How to use ChatGPT to find your ikigai?

Isaac Wong

Isaac Wong

How to use ChatGPT to find your ikigai?

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

What is your calling?

What career should you pursue? Which niche should your brand focus on?

The following ChatGPT skills are combined with Japan's famous ikigai to find out your vocation and what you should do through a series of questions.

(ChatGPT Prompt is in the final paragraph.)

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

Before understanding this prompt, it is best to first understand ikigai :

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that combines the terms "iki" (life) and "gai" (worth). It translates to "reason for being" and represents the idea of finding purpose and meaning in life. The concept involves four key elements:

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

The concept encourages people to pursue activities that resonate deeply with them, benefiting both themselves and the world around them.

1. Things you love

After entering the prompt (in the last paragraph), ChatGPT will ask you: "What is your favorite thing?"

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

You need to reflect on:

- Is there anything you like very much?

- This thing can be unrequited

- Even if you do it once a week for more than three years, you will still feel that this is your passion

2. What are you good at?

What do you do better than others?

What are you good at?

Don't hear these questions and say, "I don't have any ability." Try to reflect, look back on your life, and discover your story.

Find the strengths you feel you have.

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

3. What the world needs

What is something you can offer that the world needs? Interests and vocations are a little different.

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

4. Is there anything you can get paid for?

Find things you can get paid for and things you can do that give you intrinsic satisfaction.

For example "Painting" is something you like.

And painting portraits of other people is something you can get paid for.

"Painting for others" is this thing.

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

The Prompt Of this article:

After answering the above questions, ChatGPT will provide suggestions and tell you what your ikigai is.

In addition, it will also provide some practical help based on your ikigai Insight.

This‘s the prompt you’re waiting for:

I want to find my passion and establish my own niche.

I want you to use the Japanese Ikigai method to help me find my niche.

Next, I need you to ask me questions related to ikigai.

Don’t ask questions all at once, ask me one by one.

After asking all the questions, make a summary and provide suggestions for my niche based on Ikigai's content. I want your suggestions on what kind of work I can do, what type of content I can share on YouTube, and what kind of content I can share on Linkedin. "

how to use chatGPT to find your ikigai

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