How to generate business ideas without feeling overwhelming

Isaac Wong

Isaac Wong

How to generate business ideas without feeling overwhelming

Finding a business idea is not easy.

There are lots of things to be considered. 

For example, whether the idea has business potential or am I as a solopreneur able to build this idea?

It's not easy to find a business idea.

An idea is the main thing that we need to create before starting our solopreneur business.

Don't let the above problems stop you from starting your solopreneur journey.

Here are 3 the three steps process that you can use to find out your next million business ideas.

1. Solving a problem that you are facing

Entrepreneurships are about solving a problem.

Our revenue is related to the size of the problem we solve. The higher the problem, the better the revenue.

Therefore, the first step we can do to find ideas is to look at the problems we are having. 

- Don't know how to build a personal brand?

- Many tasks to handle at the same time?

- Don't know how to close a sale

There are lots of problems we will face daily.

You have problems. So do the people like you.

Therefore, this can be your first step to find out a potential business idea.

Solve the problems of others and ask them to pay you.

This is a great way for you to start 

Secondly, you can ask yourself, what would you do if you could go back to 2 years ago? You are talking to the version of you in 2 years before.

Why ?

It's because in the last 2 years, you must achieve something.

The "something" that is valuable to you is also valuable to others.

Therefore, it can be an information product idea.

Think about this:

1. Can I turn what I've learned into a step by step guide?

2. Can I tell others what I've achieved when following the guide?

3. Can the guide bring changes to people like me today?

If you can answer the above answers, your first informational product is generated. 

You are solving a problem that you faced 2 years ago.

Start reviewing your life and creating your first product.

Finally, you can try to use Amazon or Etsy reviews.

Review sites are a gold mine to find business ideas. You can understand what the real customers are thinking and frustrated about.

For example, you found a book called “Slash Marketing” and there is a comment saying “The Books are not actionable enough”. This comment implies that people are looking for “Actionable Marketing Books”.

Then, you can create an ebook called “Super Actionable Marketing Guides” with a subtitle “No BS only Actionable Marketing Advices”. 


An idea is generated.

  • Visit Book review site

  • Visit Product review site

  • Look at negative comment people left

Before I start doing anything, I will try the above process to find out an idea.

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